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Ford Bronco Hardtop - Update #1

by John Gerwatosky | Oct 12, 2022, 4:00PM


Thank you for your continued support through out this process. We are so excited the hardtop prototype is finally finished and we hope you are thrilled with the results just like we are. We took zero short cuts when manufacturing our hardtop and from the ground up it is completely different from the OEM hardtop. We took all the issues that the OEM hardtop was plagued with and used that to our advantage to make a superior hardtop. So what's the major difference with ADV's hardtop and Ford's hardtop? Our hardtop has a retro look with a slanted angle in the rear, which has similar lines to vintage Broncos. It adds distinct styling and sets our customers apart from the factory tops. Overall, the endless long hours and sleepless nights to finish the Bronco hardtop prototype have paid off BIG TIME. We could not be happier with how well this hardtop came out. From the incredible fit and finish, to the entire design, this hardtop checks every box that we wanted and then some! We brought together a lot of very experienced teams that worked perfectly together to bring this incredible product to life. Each and every one of us at ADV are proud of this and know you will be excited for it as well.



To reiterate our statement above, we can not thank you enough for your patience during this entire process! We had every intention to finish the prototype sooner but we wanted to ensure that we got it right the first time. We are excited to say that all current hardtops have started production.  We will continue to send updates periodically, but for now check out our Instagram (@advfiberglass) for photos + videos of the hardtop and in-depth commonly asked hardtop questions in the highlights tab. Please review those and if you have any further questions, we are happy to answer them for you via forum, email, phone, instagram, etc. 


More Commonly Asked Questions HERE: